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2018-06-15 16:19:48      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月12日休斯顿报道,美国化学理事会(American Chemistry Council)周二(12日)公布的初步统计数据显示,5月份北美聚氯乙烯(PVC)产量比4月份增长了近4%,这反映出需求强劲以及4月份的产量从3月份美国最大PVC生产商新泰特在德克萨斯州自由港的业务出现好转中得到增加。



李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯


North American PVC production up nearly 4% from April

North American PVC production rose nearly 4% in May compared to April, according to preliminary data released Tuesday by the American Chemistry Council, reflecting stronger demand and the April ramp-up from a March turnaround at Shintech's operations in Freeport, Texas.

Production reached nearly 1.45 billion lb for the month, up from nearly 1.4 billion lb in April. May production was 9% higher than the year-ago month's output of more than 1.35 billion lb, reflecting strong operating rates.

Total May sales reached nearly 1.44 billion lb, with more than 903 million lb sold into the North American domestic market
